The kids and I arrived home last night safe and tired. It was a long day with 3 flights and a lot of sitting, but the kids did amazingly well. We were greeted by Daron and our 3 at home as well as the Olivers and Tarrs. SOOOOO great to see familiar faces and be HOME. We headed home, ate a quick bite and went to bed. Paxton and Phoebe were thrilled with all of the houses amenities: clean indoor toilets, lights in every room and their own beds. Everyone was exhausted so bedtime was easy (thank you Jesus!)
I want to thank you all for your prayers; they were felt and needed daily. There were some bleak days with bad news and complications, but I always felt God's peace and strength through it because of His faithfulness and the prayers of His people. Also, the phone calls from Lydia, Kathy, Deanna and Molly were a tremendous blessing. These women have been to Ukraine adopting children and could relate to the difficulties that came our way. God was so present in every way. I think we learned that to go down this adopting path one must have His guidance and strength, people to encourage and pray and a good sense of humor. Even with all the drama and stress, we laughed a LOT. It helped having the Cashions with us. They have become dear friends and the experience has knitted our hearts.
Paxton is happy to finally be home. He had seen pictures of the kids and house and was excited to get on the plane and begin this new life. For Phoebe everything was new. She just met her brother for the first time 2 days prior to our departure. She has never left her orphanage, so everything from the car, apartment, light switches and beds were things to explore. Today the kids are exploring the house and every nook and cranny. Paxton learned how to ride a bike this morning and has stopped only for lunch and an occasional potty break. He loves having a brother and is not far from Lukas or Daron. Phoebe likes the house and all the electronics: washer and dryer, clock, dish washer, etc. She helped to make tea for us and is a sweetie. She struggled going to bed in the beginning, but thankfully today nap time was great! She loves being read to and mimics the words with giggles. Berkeley, Lukas and Isabelle and so thrilled to have their new siblings home. Everyone is getting acquainted. Please continue to pray for all of us as we adjust to one another.
I will write more soon. Thank you again and we look forward to the day when we can see you and acquaint you with our new family.
Love and Blessings,
This is the post and I have prayed for:) We're so happy that you are home. I'm sure you are exhausted! We'll give you a few days to recover and then Mason would like to call & talk to Paxton (I'd love to talk to you too:) He mailed a letter to him yesterday and also made you a "late" birthday card. We will continue to keep you in our prayers as your family goes thru the adjustment stage (at least you get to go thru that part at HOME.) We're rejoicing with you!
We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in His love.
God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
--1 John 4:16, NLT
Yay!!!!!!! I'm so happy and excited for all of you. Welcome home!
Dear Benson Family,
How exciting!! I have been keeping up to date with your journey...What a wonderful way to finish the journey, with 2 more beautiful children joining your wonderful family...
Congratulations, and hugs to your entire, Deb
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